The WoolOn Design and Colouring competition opens today and is a fantastic opportunity to get creative and be in to win some INCREDIBLE prizes.
This can be high fashion or farm wear, for a male or female, there are no limits to how you can use your imagination.
Entries are open in three categories: 3-7 years old, 8-13 years old and 14 and over. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to spend some time creating together over the school holidays.
Completed entries can be dropped into New World or the Warehouse in Alexandra and need to be dropped off by July 27th.
Local businesses have donated a range of fantastic prizes for Making Kits for the first two categories and for the 14 + category there is an amazing Trail Journeys package worth over $1000.
Winning entries for all three categories will also receive two free tickets to our First Look Event.
Competitions can be printed from our website, click here to go to the competition page. Or they can be collected from Central Stories, New World or The Warehouse in Alexandra.
We are really excited to see all of the entries which you will be able to check out at New World or at The Warehouse up until judging.
Special Thanks to Trail Journeys, Paper Plus Alexandra, The Warehouser Alexandra, Alex Furniture and Touch Yarns for their generous donations of prizes to inspire some of our future designers.